Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The First Day of Preschool

Preparing Lorelei for school was much different than preparing Ashton. Ashton didn't need any pushing, he was excited and ready for school long before school started. Lorelei, on the other hand, had insisted for a good year or so that she was under no circumstances going to school. The night for Open House came and Lorelei was still not so convinced that she wanted to go to school. What finally got her excited was that her preschool does home visits before school starts. By the time Miss. Darci left our house, Lorelei couldn't wait to get to school. She doesn't go until 12:30, so she spends the morning saying, "Can I go now? Can I go now?" She attends on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday. When I picked her up after her first Wednesday she was quite perturbed that she didn't get to go back for 4 whole days. But I am all good with this. Over excitement is much better than the screaming, crying & begging that goes with children who do not want to be left at school.

Before school

So cute in her tiny backpack

Meeting up in the classroom with her cousin Ella

Her very own cubby

Practicing writing her name before class starts

After school I ask her about her day:
M: How was your first day of school?
L: Good. They didn't even give us a snack today. No milk, juice, or even water!
M: Maybe they had to skip snack for the first day. Did everyone follow the rules?
L: A boy had to go to the principal's office. Nolan did. He hit me and he hit Ella and that's why he had to go to the principal's office.
M: You are very sweaty.
L: We played outside for an hour and a half!
M: Tell me about your class.
L: There's a sandbox in our classroom. There's no shovels so we dig with our hands and the very treasure was dirty so we had to use a paint brush to clean the very treasure off.
M: What else did you do?
L: We read books and watched TV. Then we left.
M: Do you like Miss. Darci?
L: I like Miss Darci a lot and I talked to Miss Darci a lot.
M: Did you meet any new friends?
L: I only know that there is Ella. And I did one more thing, what could it be? We were planting flowers and exercising.

Imagine that. All of that and school is only 2 1/2 hours long. Oh, and just for the record, there is no Nolan in the class.

Monday, September 20, 2010

The 4th Birthday Party

Lorelei decided on a tea party for her 4th birthday. Since her birthday falls in the middle of the hot summer, we had a Garden Iced Tea Party.

Here are some pics of craft time. The kids decorated their own visors.

Present time!

I don't have any pictures of her blowing out her candles! My mom made a lot of fun of me because I insisted that I had to make 5 different kinds of cupcakes: Strawberry cupcakes with Strawberry Meringue Buttercream, Lemon cupcakes filled with Lemon Curd, Peanut Butter cupcakes, Mocha cupcakes & Guinness cupcakes, both with a sugared glaze. How could I eliminate one? Lorelei got to choose which cupcake she wanted her candles in. I made the strawberry ones with her in mind, but she didn't choose that one. She chose beer cupcakes. She's her daddy's girl.

Happy 4th Birthday, Lorelei!

Lorelei's New Room

Lorelei was ready for the nursery to be transformed into something a little more "big girl." She loves flowers and birds so I decided to stick with that. During the transformation she kept telling people that she was getting a princess room or a Spongebob room- she was always changing it and stressing me out. I just stuck to the plan, with a couple adjustments along the way.

The InStyle posters came from her 2nd birthday party where we celebrated her unique fashion sense.

The baby doll bed was mine when I was little. I added a little stain and paint and chose the princess bedding as a compromise to give Lorelei something "princessy." The light switch next to the bed is a mirror with a tiara on it. That was as far as I could go with that theme. This was the one and only time that Lorelei was excited to go to bed!