Sunday, May 11, 2008

And the call on the field stands

Lorelei is getting bigger and is always full of surprises. She is super silly and here she spent about 10 minutes one day just measuring her face.

Happy Halloween

Lorelei and Ashton picked out their pumpkins and brought them home for a family jack-o-lantern carving.
Lorelei is not grossed out by anything. Ashton has always been very careful about getting dirty and making a mess. Lorelei is quite the opposite. She dug right into that pumpkin.

She loved her pumpkin.

She loved it so much, that she ate its raw guts.

Lorelei was perfect as a lion. At the time, she was going to bed a 6 (at the latest!) and trick-or-treating didn't start until 6. She doen'ts like to miss her sleep and when she wants to go to bed, she wants to go to bed then. I hear that she gets that from her Aunt Aimee. So, she very appropriately growled in complaint at being kept up so late.

A Budding Fashionista

I haven't published the results of my recent study, but this is what I have found: the love for accessories- shoes, hats, purses, is hereditary. Lorelei spends most of her day taking her shoes on and off, carrying various items in a bag or purse (her current fave is a dinosaur inside a chihuahua purse), and finding things to put on her head.

This is her double-headband look, and below is the upsidedown headband.
Lorelei loves to wear hats. But what if your pressed for time, need to run out the door, and you can't find your favorite hat? No problem. Many household items can be sustituted, and often for the fraction of the price of designer accesories. Here, Lorelei threw on a pull-up. It's fast, keeps her ears warm, and is super absorbent.

I love boots, and so does my girl. She tried on my Doc Martins, but is much happier in her brothers snow boots.

Here's another fashion dilemna: What if you have misplaced you bag, such as the one you see above, but have too much stuff to simply carry? Here's the solution: Tuck in your shirt and cram everything right down into it. Lorelei loves this quick and easy "pocket." Plus, look how much you can fit!

Lorelei isn't a slave to just the latest fashion trends; she likes to develop her own style. This one-arm-out shirt has become a signature look for her.

This picture below is an urban take on the same look.

She also really likes the idea of overwear. That consists of wearing panties over the pants. This is expected to be a hot look and you will probably see this on the fall runways.

Are the contents of this shopping bag for her? I don't remember. But it doesn't matter if it is hers or if its even clothing. She will find a way to wear it.

Random Moments

Lorelei had her first cupcake on Valentine's Day. She really liked it.

She also enjoys pudding and cheetos.

Ashton is helping Lorelei learn to walk. I think that the wrong kid is wearing the helmet.

If confronted with a situation that she was not prepared for, she plays opposum. She puts her head down, or turns away, and does not move. She is the cutest damn opposum you'll ever see.

And some things never change. She still likes to get into the pantry and snack.

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