Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hot Now

This picture was taken on Ashton's first day of school. He got to choose whatever he wanted for dinner. First he chose cantalope. Then he changed it to pizza, then McDonald's and then, as we were headed out the door, to donuts. The only place open at that time with killer donuts was Krispy Kreme. So, 20 miles later (as opposed to the 2 miled to McD's) we were at Krispy Kreme. And joy of joys they were hot! So, why is this on Lorelei's page and not Ashton's, you ask? Because this is Lorelei's very first time eating a donut at the Krispy Kreme. And for any of you fortunate people who have had the pleasure of eating a Krispy Kreme piece of heaven, then you know that this is, indeed, a special occasion.

1 comment:

spec ops said...

you shut up. seriously. can you rub it in a little deeper?! some bff you are.
and donuts for dinner?! why aren't you MY mom?!