Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

While putting Lorelei to bed on the eve before the first day of school, I told her, "I just got off the phone. There is a big blizzard coming tonight so they cancelled school tomorrow for a snow day." She replied, "Mom, I know there's school tomorrow. You're just lying to me so you can spend more time with me." Darn, she caught me.

I woke her up the next morning, got ready, posed for pictures and walked into school like she's been going there for years. No looking back, no "I'll miss you mom." She got to a table and set to work.

Lorelei loved her classroom and her teacher. Ashton had this same teacher 2 years in a row so Lorelei was beyond excited when she found out that she got this teacher as well. Lorelei had art as her special that day and thought that it was super cool to have her friend Emersyn's mom as an art teacher. I drove the kids to school since we had 3 bags full of supplies (not including their backpacks) to take in. Lorelei had her first school bus ride on the way home. She said, "It was so much fun. It goes zooming fast without any buckles!"

She told anyone that asked about her first day of kindergarten, "It was the best day of my life." You can't beat that.

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