Saturday, August 2, 2008

The Next Day

The next day was filled with more birthday fun. Lorelei had a blast playing with all of her new gifts. She tried on all of her clothes. She is really into skirts right now and loved the one from Aunt Aimee.

She recieved two new purses and carried them both throughout the day.

Grandma & papa got her this new Hummer (it's red-just like grandmas!) See her ankle bracelets? She has been wearing them everyday since. She asks to have them on first thing in the morning.

Lorelei got a blanket made especially for her by Tia. The "sun" blanket got started with my brother, and all of the boys have them. Since Lorelei is a girl, Tia thought that a new pattern was in order. Lorelei got a "sun & moon" blanket and it is gorgeous!

I was the first born and never got one of these beauties, so I have put an order in for a queen size sun & moon blanket, but I won't hold my breath...

She is definitely a multitasker!

But putting on lipstick while talking on the phone is left for the amatures. Lorelei likes to chat up her friends while pushing the baby in the stroller and carrying her purse full of good things.

The picture from behind is just a bonus because that little hip stuck out while she's walking is precious!!!

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