Saturday, May 1, 2010


Let me set the stage for this story: Chadd beleives he's invincible. Not just a positive person's belief that he can overcome any obstacle- he truly believes that if he were to be hit by a car while crossing the expressway, that not only would he survive, but the car hitting him would have more bumps and bruises than he would.

Now here's the story: Ashton and Lorelei have been sharing Lorelei's room because I have been redecorating Ashton's. So basically, Lorelei's room is wall to wall bed. Her toddler bed, then Ashton's full size mattress on the floor, then another toddler mattress next to that. It's pretty much been like bounce-house fun in there.

So a few nights ago Chadd was putting the kids to bed. Just as he was walking into the bedroom, he sees Lorelei standing on her dresser and then launch herself to the mattress below. Chadd says, "Lorelei!" and she looks up at him and says, "Dont worry, Dad. I can't break."

Of all the things to inheret from her father, she had to get the Superman Complex.