Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lorelei can throw some pretty huge fits for such a tiny creature. Most of the time I have no idea what the fit is even about. But I have to give her credit. When she gets too upset and has no idea what to do with herself, she goes to her room and crawls up into her chair. That's what happened here. She was super upset about who knows what (sometimes I think that she doesnt' even know what she's upset about) and ran screaming to her room. I peeked in on her to see that she was ok and I went back to making dinner. It got quiet pretty quick so I went back up to check on her and she was out. She got her paci's out of her bed and rocked herself to sleep. I had to take these pictures because when she's sleeping, she doesn't look at all like the fire-spitting demon that first crawled up into the chair. Do I dare say that she actually looks angelic? Maybe I wouldn't go that far...